March 12, 2002

PM Update - Location Shoot, Angel X, Schedule

Location Shoot Report

BBOvenGuy filed a comprehensive report for the location shoot at the Kitten Board. What follows are the spoilers. For further details, follow the link.

* Tara is indeed dead. The scene where Willow finds Tara's body was filmed yesterday. The PA's described it as "Amber's last day," although since PA's aren't privy to what's being planned for future episodes, we can't really confirm that as being true.

* There were actually *two* buses being used, as well as two identical cars. That's usually done so they can use one set for wide shots and/or stunt shots, and another set for close-ups.

* The crew was asking someone from the bus company if it would be possible to make the bus controls look like they were going berserk.

* The prop list for the day included Aly's all-black contact lenses and "robot prosthetics."

* James Marsters was scheduled to be shooting out there tonight with the second unit. It is confirmed that Spike leaves for Africa to get his chip out, so presumably that's what they'll be shooting. There was a crew setting up these little primitive-looking huts in the desert. One of them had a TV antenna sticking up out of it. I don't know if that was for a Buffy shoot or for another crew doing something else at the same spot, though. It could have been either.

With this information, it seems that we have confirmation of several spoilers, including the Warren-bot. Also, the spoiler that Spike goes to Africa looks to be solid as well. He also has some good speculation on exactly what is happening. I'm going to post it here as well, but remember that it is speculation.

Given what I've heard about Episode 20 and what I saw today, I think I can make an educated guess as to what the scene they were filming is about: DarkMagicWillow is chasing Warren, who she thinks is trying to flee on a bus. She finds the bus and takes it over, making everything go berserk. However, instead of Warren, she finds a Warren-Bot, planted on the bus to distract DarkMagicWillow. Buffy and Xander also show up, although I don't know if they're trying to catch Warren or trying to catch DarkMagicWillow. My guess, though, is that Buffy will probably have to do something heroic to save the other bus passengers from getting caught in the crossfire of DarkMagicWillow's wrath.

Info Reposted

Angel X reposted the Extra Spoilage from the weekend. I'm going to readjusting the spoilers to match this info, plus the above info.

In addition, she also made a comment about 'Entropy'

Hi, Michelle. One of your Entropy spoilers is ambiguiting me out. You wrote Anya secretly enlists the help of someone else to curse Xander. Do you mean she keeps the helper a secret from everybody else, or do you mean the helper is unaware of being used by Anya?

Somewhat both. Through the entire episode she tries to get all of the characters to wish badness on Xander, but it doesn't work out for her with anyone.

Schedule Note

'Smashed' will re-air on March 26th.

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