March 12, 2002

AM Update - Loey's Summary, Wanda

Wildfeed Review

Loey has posted her Wildfeed Review for 'Normal Again'

'Deus Ex Tara' - Gotta love that one.


Wanda only spilled two Buffy tidbits in her chat yesterday. Neither of which had to do with this week's episode. Which was nice for a change.

From tamarac661: There are so many new spoilers out there regarding Buffy... Two tidbits I've been given clearance to leak: Willow and Tara reunite, and it's very, very steamy when they do. Also, Warren loses the bookends and flies solo for a while. And when he does, we see how truly evil he is.

From slayermode: Is Willow gonna get any darker before this season ends? (I'm so asking for a "tan" reference by using "darker.")
Thanks for the setup: Let's just say she lowers her SPF.

This does seem to back up the spoilers that surfaced this weekend. Even though she doesn't have the best track record, she's usually off when she's spilling 'fresh spoilage'. When it comes to spoilage that's already out there, if she mentions it, it usually comes to pass. Though, let's not forget the fact that she said the odds were AGAINST Tara dying. Have to wait and see how this one turns out.

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