March 11, 2002

PM Update - 'Normal Again' Rankings, Old Rankings, Spoilers Pulled

Just a note: With the entire 'first week' back to work thing happening, I am coming home pretty wiped out. Which means it's a good thing that I'm holding off on speculation until after 'Normal Again' airs. If I do make some strange comment that doesn't quite make sense, don't panic, it could just me being way to tired.

Also, with all the spoiler news, my mailbox is jammed. If I don't get back to you right away, don't despair. I will try to answer anything that I can, or at least let you know that I received the letter. Currently, I haven't even gotten half the e-mail from last week finished, just in case anyone is wondering.

Now down to business (and the fun just keeps coming).

Maybe I Need An 'Open To Interpretation' Ranking

Right off, I should let you know that I'm not happy with the rankings for some spoilers for 'Normal Again'. The problem is that the original spoilers were so vague, they could be read many different ways. Although I haven't seen the episode, it doesn't appear that anything is made any clearer by the episode's end.

For example, David Fury originally made a comment that there would be an 'interesting answer', in regards to where Buffy was when she was dead. What we discover in 'Normal Again', is not what I would consider an answer. It's more like bringing up another 'interesting question'. The same issue occurs with the 'unfortunate decision' Buffy has to make, or the spoiler that we discover 'something interesting'. Both are true, but they certainly weren't what I was expecting. Take these rankings with a grain of salt, they really are subjective.

Everything Old Is New Again

I know that some people are concerned about the rankings for earlier spoilers, which had looked to be false, but are now cropping up again in what seems to be accurate spoilage. I just want to reiterate that if these spoilers come to pass, and if I feel that they were made in good faith, I will strongly consider reversing the rankings. If I do this, I will give my reason's for and against. As it is right now, there are maybe two that I would consider reversing, and neither was made by an actual spoiler site.

Normally, I would never consider doing this, as I would expect any spoiler source to be within a certain time-frame. However, I can't deny that certain spoilers that were rumored to occur after 'Asylum', are now suddenly being repeated as events that will happen after 'Normal Again'. If it looks legit, I'm not going to penalize sources for things that they had no control over. Which brings me to the next big issue...

Pulled Spoilers

Angel X has pulled the information she posted as 'Extra Spoilage' yesterday. Her explanation follows...

I am retracting the spoilers that were posted here yesterday. Before anyone gets any ideas, allow me to explain. They were posted to the site in haste due to excessive questions about the update I promised and I really shouldn't have responded to that overwhelming demand by just putting the update out there when I really didn't want to post it. As of right now, I still fully believe the information I have and still have absolutely no reason to doubt the info or my source. However, there are just *way* too many people with the exact same telling information and there are way too many versions of it. *Somebody* has the wrong info, obviously, and not being psychic, I cannot tell who. At this point, I have not gotten enough of my sources to ultimately confirm, 100% without a doubt that this information will stay true when aired. So, in the interest of directing people to be extremely cautious of the information at this point, I'm taking it back from the site.

I am *not* taking back what I said on the Kitten board though. I made a promise to tell that board first when I had information one way or another and that was the information I was given. In the case that the info I have was planted by the writers to get false info out there or was just an early version of a plot line that has now completely changed, I owe that board and Tara/Willow fans everywhere the sincerest of apologies. It was the last thing I ever wanted to have to do as far as offering spoilers and I would hate to think that I caused so much pain over nothing. But, I didn't make the info up and it is the info I have in writing and I can't go back and change the past.

So, until I can arrange for some serious confirmation that this is the storyline the writers are going with (and I should know for sure by the end of the week at the latest), take the spoilers that were posted here earlier with caution. Personally, I still believe them because I have still have no reason to doubt where I got the information. However, as I've warned all along, this is just the information I have and there are pieces to the puzzle missing. The episode is filming now and as always, things can always change from the time a script is written to the point where the episode airs. The events of 19 weigh heavily on what happens in 20 and I don't have much info on that episode. If a big change occurred with the plot or if the info I have is planted from the writers, woo hoo! I grovel for forgiveness and everyone else parties! :)

I have to agree with her reasoning, there is a lot of contradictory information in the pipeline. I trust Angel X and her record, as well as other sources who have posted information or confirmation as well. But I would be lying if I were to tell you that I hadn't 'strongly considered' this entire batch of spoilers to be disinformation. I think I've made it pretty clear that many of these spoilers have a strangely familiar ring to them. That being said, I do feel that there is a lot of 'truth' behind these spoilers as well. After reading the wildfeed for 'Normal Again', I can see certain pieces being placed, that would bring about these events. It'll become more clear after seeing the episode, but right now it's not enough for me to back down any rankings on the other spoilers just yet. In regards to the Extra Spoilage posted, there will be some changes.

I'm going to revise the spoilers back to the way the were previous to the Extra Spoilage (two were modified to reflect additional information). The two spoilers that were added, will have their ranking shifted to 'Pulled By The Site'. When she updates next, I will modify them appropriately.

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