March 08, 2002

PM Update - Nothing New, Minor Comments

Sorry folks, it's been another day with nary a spoiler to cross my screen. At least any that I would qualify as having a 'ghost of a chance' of actually happening. Much like the beginning of the season, as we near the end there seems to be an increase in wildly false spoilage. Which I really don't want to publicize by posting it here, especially if it's being debunked on the boards within minutes of being posted. If it hasn't appeared here within a day or so of being posted on the boards, you can pretty much assume that it's stuff I don't even consider worthy of a mention.

A little more info on the casting spoiler from yesterday. It appears that they are looking for the role to be filled for next week, which means that it would be more likely for late Episode 20 or early Episode 21. It's hard to say, it could be a role used over a number of episodes, or even being filmed for placement in an episode which has already wrapped primary shooting. In any event, it probably would be safe to presume that we will see something tying to the 'First Slayer' (ala 'Restless' or 'Intervention'). Which could explain why Giles is coming back for the finale (we have yet to see any reason for his return at this time).

Just a reminder, there will be single updates on Saturday and Sunday. Then, at least for the next four weeks, there will be a change to the Update Schedule. Instead of being updated at Noon/Midnight EST, the updates will now happen at 8 am and 9 pm EST. As usual, the best way to check is to either sign up for the e-mail updates, or to check the Main Page to see if there is an update.

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