March 06, 2002

AM Update - Pre-Order Season Two, False Spoilers

Order Your Copy Today

Amazon is now taking Pre-Orders for the Buffy Season 2 DVD set. The price is set at $44.99 and the release date is listed as June 11th. They don't have an image up at Amazon just yet, so I'm using the UK's Season 2 DVD Set image.

Something I'm Not Buying

There have been a rash of Season Finale summaries and episode titles appearing at the Buffy Cross and Stake. These are now so obviously false that I'm not going to even bother linking or adding them to the page. While I will do my best to cover what I think is legitimate or what might be legitimate, I don't want to further publicize board sources who might be doing it just to see fan's reactions. I'm not going to encourage this behavior, and the previous spoilers that came from this source that I did post, I'm now going to downgrade to 'Highly Unlikely'.

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