March 05, 2002

PM Update - Spikefeed, Wanda, Comments

Yahoo! Groups has been down for most of the day, which means that the e-mail updates are not going through. There's nothing I can do about it on this end, hopefully it will be back up by the morning.

Did You Look In My Box?

Dori's Spikefeed is available, and features in-depth coverage of Spike and his Goth date.

I See Red People?

In Wanda's weekly chat, she mentions the Episode 19 information passed along by ScoopMe earlier. In addition, she is saying that the title for Episode 19 will be 'Seeing Red'. Which at the least, is a much better title than 'Revengeance'. However, as with all episode titles right now, I'll believe it when I see it in print. Everything else discussed was Wedding-related.

Comments From This Morning

Since I didn't have time to elaborate, might as well do so now. I've added several spoilers to the page, including the new ones about Buffy selling the house and one of the Scoobies joining the Troika. I've got a lot of faith in the house spoiler, though nothing based on solid fact. There were rumblings that it was getting harder and harder to do location shoots at the house, plus a smaller apartment or condo would really open up the set space. Although the basement is used in multiple locations, the Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room, and the three bedrooms probably take up quite a bit of the studio. It definitely makes sense logistically, and story-wise it could cap the 'cash crunch' storyline and resolve the problems through the end of the series.

As for the Australian report of one of the Scoob's possibly joining the Troika, I really don't put a lot of weight behind it. Amy has always been a possibility, but they might be too geeky for her to deal with. I think it's leaning quite a bit on the old 'Buffy kicks Willow out of the house and she joins up with the Troika' spoiler, which really never panned out. As for the entire 'Tara dies and Willow goes bad' storyline, I'm just about to the point where I'm going to downgrade it to unlikely. The main reason, if it really was going to happen, there would have to be at least an episode devoted to the fallout. With the current rumors of Episode 19 taking place in an amusement park atmosphere (I think even the outdoor mall location shoot could tie into this, maybe Buffy and Dawn get away for a day), time is running out. It certainly doesn't appear that anything has happened at this point, which would only leave three more episodes. It's going to be a very interesting Season Finale wrap-up at the Spoiler Slayer, one way or another.

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