February 28, 2002

PM Update - Episode 17 and 18 Spoilers, Season 2 DVD

Random Spoilers

There were two spoiler posts at the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board today. One was for 'Normal Again', the other was for Episode 18.

'Normal Again' -Buffy is poisoned by demon's blood, causing her to forget about some important events. -Buffy isn't the only one who forgets about Dawn. -The demon is still at risk, and the scoobies are forced into getting the Buffster into fighting it, chaos ensures. -Buffy goes a little crazy at the end when she realises the truth, but finds out a thing or two about the afterlife.
While they do fit some of the description for 'Normal Again', it think more than anything it's speculation at best. For one, it doesn't mention the Troika, who are in the episode. The thing it shares in common with the Episode 18 spoilers, is the fact that both sources are not based in the United States. Which is where I would expect any previously unheard spoilage would originate. But I've got other problems with them...
Episode 18 - Written by Drew Greenberg - Xander and Anya have their first post-wedding run-in and things end up where Xander can't marry her so he tells her that they should break up - After this conversation, Anya and Halfrek try to curse Xander, but fail because Anya doesn't mean it - D'Hoffryn and Halfrek try to convince Anya to go vengeance demon - Willow and Tara go for coffee where it deals with Willow's neck injury (6.17) and other Buffy related problems - Buffy avoids Spike by putting spells on all of the places she loves not letting Spike in (5.14) - The Troika concoct another scheme to kill the slayer, but this scheme may kill of one of the Troika prooving the real evil in the evil group. - Xander goes through a break down not knowing if he can ever fall in love again and so does Anya - Buffy tells the group about her and Spike and they get pretty mad (Dawn isn't involved in the conversation, but overhears at the stairs and pretends that she doesn't know!!)
Once again, part of this fits and part of it doesn't. We've heard that Willow and Tara's discussion about Buffy takes place before the coffee date. The coffee date is when Anya shows up talking about cursing Xander. Not that I'm putting it past her, but exactly how would the curse not work if all she has to say is 'I Wish'.

Of course, the fatal flaw is the question of where Buffy is going to find somebody who could cast all those disinvites. Willow won't do it, Tara could but that isn't the only problem. The spoiler is that she puts the spell on all the places she loves, but the only place she could really do it would be her house. She doesn't have the ability to invite or disinvite Spike at any other location. There is also no indication that Spike and Buffy aren't on good terms, even after she dumped him.

The others, could be well within the ballpark. I'm sure there is more Xander/Anya angst ahead, but they'll probably patch things up by Season's end. I feel the discussion last night about the problem not being the relationship, but the wedding itself, is pretty telling.

The Troika's likely to continue being a thorn in Buffy's side, but they will need to sit out one more episode (at least if their contracts haven't changed - and I do have them stating a number of 10, both pre-'Life Serial' and post-'Life Serial'. But that could always change). Everything mentioned so far about Episode 18, points to a 'Troika-free' episode, but again the information just might not have been posted yet.

Right now, with the exception of the few spoilers that I do have a problem with, there just isn't enough info to make a good judgement call on them just yet. I'll more than likely work them into the page tomorrow, with the majority of them ranked at 'possible'.

I Know I Can't Wait

In case you may have noticed, Amazon does have a listing up for the Season Two DVD's. Very reasonable in terms of the pricing, $69.99 retail and $52.49 through Amazon. Which is great when you consider that a season of the Soprano's goes for about $100 retail and it's only 13 hours worth of television. You can sign up to be notified when it is available to pre-order at Amazon. They aren't available for pre-order just yet, but I will be putting up the link on the site as soon as it is, so those of you who would like to support the site by using our link can order it. I do appreciate it, and over 100 copies of the Season One DVD were purchased through the site (which covered two months worth of hosting fees - Thank You!).

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