February 26, 2002

PM Update - Loey's Summary, 'Normal Again' Confirmed

Have You Heard The Marching Band Version?

Loey posted her Early-Bird Review of 'As You Were'.

The BlueBird of Spoilerness

A little bird, who has been 100% accurate in the past ( - deleted reference to the source - ), has e-mailed me with the awaited confirmation for 'Normal Again'. In addition, they passed along some additional information.

"Normal Again" – A demon’s attack inflicts Buffy with a poisonous venom that leaves her tortured with visions of herself in a mental hospital.

As the poison renders Buffy unable to distinguish between reality and the hallucinations, she starts to believe her parents are still alive and Dawn and her life as a Vampire Slayer never existed.

P.S. The credits also include Dean Butler (Hank) and Anthony Stewart Head (Giles). Maybe he came back to the States on the sly.

Which is all good news, and I'll be updating the Spoiler Slayer page tomorrow to reflect the new information.

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