February 21, 2002

PM Update - SpoilerZone, Buffy's Date, More Sex, Cross and Stake

With the Olympics almost finished, this will likely be the last of the semi-early updates. Should be back to the Noon/Midnight EST schedule next week.

Updated SpoilerZone

There is a new update to the SpoilerZone, interesting read on comparisons between Buffy/Spike and a couple of other famous movie couples. Some new things, which I'll be addressing in a moment.

The Red Shirt Lives

Supposedly, and I'm pulling this off of a spoiler compilation at RoswellAteMySoul, Richard will appear as Buffy's date yet again, this time in the Wedding Episode. I'm skeptical of this one, if only because Richard certainly didn't look like the type who would continue hanging with the Scoobies. There is no mention of him in the script either, but you never know. He really wasn't seen that much in 'Older and Far Away'.

Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Baby

What I wasn't expecting, was to hear that Buffy and Spike are back to their normal routine in 'As You Were'. Everything pointed to both characters practicing celibacy for a while, but Lucia posted on Fan Forum that there is Buffy/Spike sex in 'As You Were', at least according to some of the call sheets.

Fun Times At The Cross and Stake

Angel X posted another Quote Challenge today on the board, then followed it up with this tidbit about the Buffy/Spike breakup.

The breakup has nothing to do with Riley. It isn't even caused by anything Spike does in this episode, specifically. Nothing that we haven't seen so far in previous episodes causes it.

It's based entirely on truth and having the strength to stand up to that truth. If you can accept and understand the relationship for how it has been portrayed on the show and really see Buffy's feelings as they have been revealed on the show, it shouldn't be something to worry about.

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