February 21, 2002

AM Update - Buffy/Spike, Willow/Tara

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

Partyman posted the following at the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board

Okay, here's a little something that a contact sent me after meeting some of the Mutant Enemy VIPs on Saturday. Most of the stuff I got are for Ats, but...

Meanwhile, back in Sunnydale, the Buffy/Spike relationship continues, to the dismay of many.

Please don't read too much into it, as its very vague.

Which doesn't really surprise me, as the Buffy/Spike scene in "Hell's Bells" seems to show that neither party is happy with the split. Although a split is coming, I've never really thought that it would be something long-term.

Every Night She Saves Her

A bit more from Episode 17, from the same anonymous source that provided the previous spoilage. GiftofAmber posted this at the Kitten Board.

From my same anonymous RAMS source regarding episode 17:

Tara saves Willow during the Buffy fight then Willow saves Tara without using magic.

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