February 17, 2002

Sunday Update - PBP Notes

A Non-Joss Finale?

A partial archive is up a the Bronze VIP archive from the Posting Board Party. While I was hoping for major spoilers, about the only thing that was leaked is info that David Fury will be writing the Season Finale (Episode 22).

The archive is not complete, as Robia La Morte was there and mentioned that she might be on 'Firefly' and Joss swung by the Beta Bronze this afternoon with just a couple of comments (no spoilers). There were other comments made throughout the evening by fans who were present, but they were mainly repeating info we had already heard (Marti talking about the B/S relationship, various comments on the whereabouts of Miss Kitty Fantastico, etc). None of these were included in the archive, but I don't think I missed anything major. GiftofAmber did mention that 'Tara was still alive', but I cannot find the post in the archive that actually states that. I've asked her for the quote, so hopefully I'll be able to post the information tomorrow morning.

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