February 14, 2002

PM Update - Slow, Poll


It was a slow afternoon at the comic shop back in the early 90's, with my assistant and myself bored out of our skulls with nothing to do. In a very Twilight Zone moment, a tumbleweed (or something looking very much like one) went tumbling down the street. Nevermind that the shop was located in an affluent suburb of Chicago, it really happened.

Thus, ever since then, the running joke when things are slow is to shout 'Tumbleweeds!'

Which pretty much describes the lack of spoilage over the past few days. Not even a Wildfeed to look forward to this weekend. Either we are in another slump like the one we had in early December, or the folks at Mutant Enemy have clamped the lid on pretty tight.

Then again, it was pretty quiet right before all the Wedding Spoilers started flying.


There is a new poll up at the Spoiler Slayer Yahoo Groups page, asking opinions on possible additions to the Site Merchandise.

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