February 08, 2002

PM Update - Angel X Comments

The only bit of spoilage I have, is some further comments on 'Older and Far Away' by Angel X. These were posted to the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board.

Combined from multiple posts Re: Buffy and Spike

There really isn't anything too horrible going on between them in the ep. Mostly bantering and Spike continues the habit of making less than intelligent comments. But he pays the price for it. Nothing really huge... kinda like Dead Things never happened.

General Comments

The ep's got pretty equal parts of fun and drama.

Most of the confrontations surround Dawn and the whole stealing thing.

The only connections to "Dead Things" are a brief Buffy/Tara talk about Spike and Dawn's situation, which only gets worse in this ep. Spike's physical appearance is purely the result of make-up and possibly the director. Not addressed in the ep. As far as B/S is concerned in the ep, there's really no discussion of what happened between them in Dead Things. It's over and forgotten.

Willow and Tara do talk.

And Dawn gets a whole bunch of different reactions to all the things that are discovered about her. Depends on the character and the effect of Dawn's actions on them.

The Invite

She (Buffy) doesn't want Spike hanging out with her friends. He's not the world's greatest people person and she doesn't want trouble on her birthday.

The 'Sophie' Character named in the Cast List

The character is one of Buffy's co-workers from Doublemeat Palace. Just a teenager, like 17, I think. Buffy seems to invite her just for the sake of showing she can make friends outside of the Scooby Gang. But the girl's a sweet person, very innocent and out of the Hellmouth loop...which doesn't make things easy when locked in a house with a killer demon.

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