February 01, 2002

AM Update - No News, Buffy Season One DVD

Nothing new and spoilery to talk about, it's been a very slow few days.

I finally picked up the Season One DVD set yesterday (and Season Two of the Sopranos - woo hoo). While Joss might not think his commentary was good, I happened to enjoy it quite a bit, as much as I could watch, since I started at about 2:00 am and only made it through Welcome To The Hellmouth (which is why this post is late, yawn). After I work my way through the entire set, I'll probably do a mini-review. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but listening to him talk about the show really drove the unique qualities of this show. Somehow, they managed to constantly deliver complex and interesting storylines, while never losing sight of the characters themselves. I've always been a fan of ensemble-based shows, but no matter how much I enjoy them, it's hard to continually sit down and rewatch episodes. For example, I have the entire run of Moonlighting (with the exception of four episodes) on tape. I loved that show as much as Buffy when it was first on, yet I have no real desire to sit down and rewatch all the episodes. I can watch a couple at a time, but there is no continuity to draw me to the next episode. Star Trek: The Next Generation was another good ensemble show, which had more continuity, but still isn't something that generates a desire to watch the entire run in a few sittings (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is one which I could watch over and over, but it's not available yet.)

I just wish it would get a little more respect from the awards community, because it is one of the finest television series of the last decade.

But you already know that.

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