January 27, 2002

AM Update - David Fury's Missing Posts, Updated Cross and Stake

The second half of David Fury's posts at the Bronze are now archived.

Angel X updated the Cross and Stake Spoiler page with information about 'As You Were' (Note: The false spoilage mentioned yesterday was never actually posted at the Cross and Stake or the Spoiler Board. It was posted on other sites, by someone claiming to have seen it on the Cross and Stake). This, however, is the real deal.

As You Were

- On the tail of a nasty, deadly demon that multiplies quickly, Riley shows up in Sunnydale, needing Buffy's help. But catching the demon reveals that it has already laid it's eggs somewhere.
- Riley's wife, Sam, who's beautiful, successful, and able to kick demon ass with the best of them, manages to befriend all of the Scooby Gang, including Buffy.
- With the wedding only a week away, Xander and Anya munch on snacks constantly as they reluctantly prepare for the arrival of "family" that will be staying with them. The newly married Riley and his wife offer the Xander and Anya some wise advice and show them how great marriage can be.
- To support Buffy in the presence of Sam, Willow does what any good best friend would do: pretends to hate Riley's new wife. The girls actually bond and Sam gives Willow a little much-needed reassurance.
- Despite popular belief and desire, Riley is not the bad guy of the episode.
Angel X also posted answers to some questions at the Spoiler Board (condensed from multiple posts)

Do you know who plays Rileys wife? Nope...I don't know who the actress is, just that she's supposed to be a raven-haired beauty. :)

Can you describe the atmosphere of this ep?
The atmosphere of the ep is mostly light/humor, with a good dose of suspense/drama mixed in.

Is it mentioned how long the Rileys have been married?
Riley and Sam have been married for about 4 months

In the episode description that UPN released, it says that Buffy breaks up with Spike in this episode. Is this accurate, and can you tell us more details of why/how this occurs, or of Spike's reaction? Also, I am dying to know: do either Buffy and Riley apologize to each for the they past "transgressions".
The UPN description is accurate, but I'm not commenting further on that aspect of the episode. Buffy and Riley don't get a ton of time to just sit and chat, but by the end of the ep, it's clear that Riley has moved on entirely and has no reason for Buffy to apologize. Married life and over a year in a jungle has changed the guy for the better. :)

Was Sam in the initative?
She was never involved with the Initiative. She's done numerous other things earlier on, but the black-ops team she and Riley are involved with is the first "demon" fighting team she joins.

Is there any clue as to whether Riley/wife have any other agenda's for visiting Sunnydale? Other than this egg laying demon thing?
Their agenda is entirely focused around the demon and its potential offspring. They spend a little time catching up with the Scooby Gang, but they have their mission and don't stray far from it.

I've heard Riley visits Buffy at Doublemeat Palace. Any truth to that?
Yes, there's truth to that.

Where will Riley and Sam be staying? At a motel or Xander and Anya's apartment?
They're only in Sunnydale for part of a day and leave that night. No need to stay with anyone.

Are Xander and Riley still good friends?
Yeah, Riley and Xander stay on good terms.

Does Riley get to hear the past year's news at all (Dawn's origin, Joyce's death, Buffy's death)?
Whether he's caught up on all the Sunnydale activities since he left, the ep never gets into it. A few little things are revealed, but no specific "catch-up."

I'm not sure if you can answer this, but do we get the sense that Buffy regrets her break-up with Riley, or just that she is kind of jealous of the situation in general?
Buffy has a lot of conflicting emotions going on. She has a slightly tough time dealing with the fact that Riley's found such a great love with someone else, but she deals.

There will likely be further information about this in the PM Update.

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