January 25, 2002

PM Update - Willow and

PM Update - Willow and Tara tidbit, Wanda Interviews Marti

Angel X dropped by the Kitten Board again, to fill them in on some info from 'As You Were' (I can confirm the title now as well, forgot to mention that this morning).

Psssttt... Since I'm still waiting on a few things before I really spoil ep 15, I figured I'd give you all a little bit more of a [harmless] tidbit to enjoy. I can't guarantee will make it to air since it's one little scene and could be cut...but I highly doubt it.

Although there is no Tara in the episode, there is indication of progress for her and Willow when Willow chats with Dawn about being back on somewhat good terms with Tara. Willow's being exceptionally cautious and not rushing into anything, not even daring to call Tara. More than anything, the door is finally open on rebuilding their relationship. At the end of 14, the two are on good terms, but by having the magic supplies, Willow kinda backed herself up a few steps and really has to prove how trustworthy and strong she can be. She does mention in 15 that if she had the guts to call Tara, she would not get hung up on.

Okay...so it's itty bitty news...but it's all the W/T news I got! And Willow gets all giddy because of it. So...goodness.

Wanda at E! Online has an interview with Marti Noxon. It's a very good interview, if only because it comes at some 'previously asked and answered' questions from an entirely new angle. For example, we have Marti once again confirming that Amber Benson is slated to be in 16 episodes this season, as well as verifying that all the regulars are signed through next season. She did not back away from the rumors of a major death this season, in fact she kind of subtly hinted that this will happen. My speculation that in terms of the 'Big Bad' not being apocalypse-orientated was also backed up, as she again affirmed that while Big Badness is in the future, another apocalypse is not. Which should raise some concern over the fact that she did not say that Willow was out of the woods.

Oh, and if you want a look at that Riley picture from 'As You Were', it's in Wanda's interview.

Also, there is a Poll at the Mailing List Page. I thought it would be interesting to see what Spoiler Site the fan's like the most.

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