January 22, 2002

PM Update - Just A

PM Update - Just A Bit On Earlier False Spoilage

A couple of people wrote, asking me why I even bothered to post the false spoilage that was posted about Anya dying at the Cross and Stake. Mainly, to get word out that I didn't believe the spoilage. As an added bonus, mentioning it meant that I wouldn't get fifty e-mails telling me about a spoiler that people think I 'missed'. Did I believe those spoilers for a second, of course not. If I considered it anywhere close to being accurate, I would have added it to the Spoiler Slayer page.

Which was only one of a few wacky spoilers to appear on the boards today. We had an 'on the set source', who claimed that Aly and Amber do not get along off-camera, and that Tara would be the Big Scooby Death. Then there was another who talked about a Xander calling Cordelia from the motel where he was staying, then she comes into town and offers him sound advice on whether or not he should marry Anya. That one's the most amusing, if only because Joss said just a few days earlier; 'no crossovers this season'. I hadn't even planned on mentioning those, because they weren't really being carried over to other boards. The Anya rumor spread pretty quick and I had seen it reported on three different message boards. Later in the afternoon, after much criticism, the person who originally posted it finally admitted that it was false.

I'm just hoping for some good spoilage to talk about soon. It seems the longer we go without it, the more crazy the speculation and false spoilage gets.

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