January 15, 2002

AM Update - TV Guide

AM Update - TV Guide Description for Doublemeat Palace

TV Guide description for 'DoubleMeat Palace' is now available.

Doublemeat Palace 60 min. Hurting for cash, Buffy swallows her pride and takes a job at a fast-food restaurant run by a staff of odd employees, many of whom vanish without explanation. Amy: Elizabeth Anne Allen. Halfrek: Kali Rocha. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. Anya: Emma Caulfield. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Dawn: Michelle Trachtenberg. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar. Spike: James Marsters.
Which is all the spoilage that I have for today.

I also have to take a moment to say, 'Angel completely rocked last night'.

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