January 14, 2002

AM Update - Tribune Interview

AM Update - Tribune Interview

The Chicago Tribune posted a brief interview with Joss, discussing the various villain's that have appeared over the years. Though how could you include the likes of Dracula and Ethan Rayne, yet not mention Angelus, Adam, or Glory.

I've been getting requests via e-mail to post airdates of upcoming episodes. I'm not sure if I'm going to add that to the page, as I think a fair number of sites are covering this as well, including the Cross and Stake (on the Spoiler page). We have repeats for the next two weeks, followed by at least two new episodes. After that, nobody is entirely sure of the schedule, but it would look to be another repeat, then at least another two new episodes.

Tomorrow, UPN will be repeating 'Weight of the World' and 'The Gift'. I would highly recommend that if you have 'Tough Love' and 'Spiral' on hand, sit down and try to watch them beforehand. 'Tough Love' heavily foreshadows several of the Season Six arcs, and I think it's worth your time to check it out again.

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