January 03, 2002

PM Update Sweetie posted some

PM Update

Sweetie posted some more spoilage on Fan Forum (which she credits to Angel X with an additional confirmation from her source). These are multiple posts that I am combining as one.

Buffy breaks down and confesses to Tara about her "relationship" with Spike at the end of "Dead Things". Tara is very supportive and becomes Buffy's new best friend.

After the icky Bronze scene, Buffy and Spike have sex for the first time in a bed - Buffy's bed no less! So look forward to some yummy under-the-covers sex as well in "Dead Things" (and yes, you're counting that right... 3 sex scenes between b/s)

In regards to who's trapped in the house with Buffy.

Yep, Spike is in the house, along with the rest of the gang. Unfortunately, his interaction with the Scoobies, other than Buffy and Tara, is minimal. And there's really no Spike/Dawn interaction to look forward to. But it's still a great ep nonetheless!

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