January 02, 2002

AM Update I'll be spending

AM Update

I'll be spending most of the day updating the Spoiler Slayer page. I'm going to backtrack through the logs and attribute the Spoilers that Sweetie posted on FanForum to her instead of the boards, hopefully I'll come up with a ranking by the end of the day. I'm also going to add Herc's spoilage and adjust other rankings.

The nice thing about Herc is that he does a good job of filling in the blanks. Can you believe that he's still being attacked in some places for it? It's true that most of us knew the plots for Episodes 11 - 15, but there were still plenty of details missing. For example, I don't know a single source that had leaked who was going to die in 'Dead Things', nor exactly how Buffy would think that she did it. He's the first source (besides my own speculation) to come out saying that 'Riley will not come back as a vampire' and he's still standing by the spoilers that a 'Scooby might die'. However, for some people and sites, his track record doesn't count for much. Yes, he might be hedging his bets with the 'Scooby Death', but this is something that has been out there for a while. The only time he was wrong so far this season was the 'Asylum' description, which more than likely was due to a last-minute change by the writers. The death of a Scooby might very well be altered before it is filmed, but I have a bad feeling that it won't.

The problem is that if the death of 'Katrina' is correct, it might give a good indication of a pattern for relationships in the second half of the season. One would presume that Katrina would be trying to reconcile with Warren, when she meets her untimely end (why else would she come back?). Then we have Riley's return, where if he isn't a vampire, the presumption might be that his return will be based around reconciliation or closure. In either event, with Spike still in the picture, this will probably not go very well. This leaves us with one other couple currently on the outs with each other, Willow and Tara. If the rumors of her death are correct, it would fit into this pattern. I'd also point out that Mercedes (Harmony) said she would be back this season, and there is a possibility that Juliet (Dru) will drop by Sunnydale as well. This gives us two other possible pieces that would fit this ‘pattern’. Of course, it's still too early to judge at this point, but it's food for thought.

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