December 28, 2001

PM Update The latest thing

PM Update

The latest thing to cross the desk was this spoilage that turned up at the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board. I'm combining two different posts here.

*Season 6 Finale: It is more of a recreated flashback episode with lots of continuity and fun dream sequences of the future. The Troika play a huge role as Buffy is warped from past, present to future (It is similar to Restless, but not quite exactly). The tentative title is "Timewarp". Joss is writing it. It is going to be really good. There will of course be hints to what will happen for the rest of the series)*

**I assure you that these are all true.**

Yes, it will be a dark and mysterious episode. The last line (Tara in voiceover), "You think you know what's to come. What you are. You are almost done." It is going to be so incredibly cool! The draft of the script that my friend has may not be the final copy, however the plot will probably remain the same as the Troika sends Buffy through a Timewarp. Reportedly, David Boreanaz and Charisma Carpenter are going to appear if the WB oks it. Joss really wants them to be a part of it (in the recreated flashbacks) since they were such a huge part of the first three seasons. I can't tell you what a great episode it will be. If you liked "Restless", then you will love this even more!

Do I even need to say what I think of these spoilers? The thought that Joss is handing out drafts for the finale, which probably hasn't even been discussed in the story meetings, is funny enough to begin with. For the record, drafts of 'Restless' were dated early April, not late December. Granted, while the Time Warp might be an interesting concept, it was something that was thrown out three different times last season. We had Future Xander coming back through time, we had a time-traveling sentinel that had been spying on the gang, and we had Buffy traveling through time to prevent Riley from dusting Spike. Another thing, anytime someone talks about how great an episode is going to be (especially before it's filmed), it's usually a sign that the spoilers are fake. Other key phrases to watch out for are 'Emmy nominee material', 'Best Episode Ever', etc.

While an interesting idea for an episode, I don't know if it's something that Joss would actually pull. Somehow, if he were to come up with a time-travel storyline, I would assume it would be new and original, rather than treading familiar territory. To the best of my knowledge, this is just someone who watched a little too much Roswell this past week (which is where this problem began last season).

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