December 21, 2001

PM Update Sweetie at FanForum

PM Update

Sweetie at FanForum dropped the following spoilage.

I hear now that there is a confirmed death in "Dead Things" but it is not a Scoobie member. Any ideas on who it could be? Amy? One of the Troika? I'm all curious. I hope AngelX has some new info for us soon.
I know a lot of people presumed that this might be where one of the Troika goes bad, the member of choice being Warren. I pointed out that Warren doesn't really fit the profile. Since this is episode 13, it would be the point that the real 'Big Bad' will finally reveal themselves. I would be expecting it to be one of the Troika, if only because the Little and Big Bad are usually connected. If so, Warren is too obvious of a choice to be elevated to 'Big Bad' status. Jonathan, is a long term character, who really isn't as evil as he's bumbling. Also, both have a solid background in the Buffyverse. Andrew, is a complete and total wild-card. The only connection to the series is through his brother, which really doesn't mean that much. The writers could easily create a very extensive background for this character, one which could give him a very good reason for hating the Slayer. That doesn't even bring up the possibility that the death could be Amy (magic overdose), Rack (deal gone bad), or maybe even a visiting character like Harmony.

The other interesting thing was that I originally had a bit in today's AM Update, about not buying Steven DeKnight's comments that 'Dead Things' would be a light-hearted romp. I pulled it out mainly because of space, and also because I was trying to concentrate more on the when the Birthday episode would fall. With a death on the horizon, I'm even more positive that 'Dead Things' will be anything but light. As I was going to point out, Episode 13 has only been light-hearted once, which was 'The Zeppo' (which followed the extremely dark 'Helpless'). With two seemingly light episodes coming up, I can't imagine that the string would continue for a third episode. Also, while it hasn't been posted yet, Angel X let me know that Episode 14 is the birthday episode and that Giles will not be in it.

But we definitely haven't seen the last of Giles. In an interview for This Is London, Anthony Stewart Head comments that he will be in eight episodes this season. He's already filmed six, so that leaves us with at least two. Also, in Tara news, Wendy posted to the Kitten Board that Tara is alive and kicking in Episode 14 'Older and Far Away'. However, we should remember that Sweeps will run through episode 16.

Finally, Wanda at EOnline is playing the 'Guess Which Two Spoilers Are False' game. Here's the one for Buffy.

Giles returns later in the season and ends up killing Spike.

And on that note, I'll see you tomorrow.

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