December 18, 2001

Site Tweaking Update I've just

Site Tweaking Update

I've just made some further changes to the code. If anyone is still having problems, please drop me a line with the specifics. I punched up the text all-around, which I'm hoping will improve the legibility. I think some of the problems might have been due to old info in the browsers cache, so try and do a refresh before you write (just in case). Several people have written that the problem has fixed itself, when I didn't do anything to the code. Which is why I'm thinking it's information from the old page not being updated.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm trying to put together a complete set for the BTVS: Collectible Card Game. I'm missing 11 uncommons, 7 rares, and all the ultra-rares and most of the Personality cards. If anyone else is collecting or playing this game and is interested in trading, please drop me an e-mail. I just want to fill out the set, so I'm more than willing to trade any duplicates I have. Also, I've discovered that there was a problem with my Wishlist on the About Me page, which has been corrected. This does not affect anything in the Slayer Shop, it's my personal wishlist. If you sent a gift to me off the list, you might want to check with Amazon (click for a full explanation of what happened). Update: Never mind the bit about Amazon, it looks like things are getting forwarded anyway (as a package was in the mail when I checked it today). Thank you, and a more specific one will go out after Christmas (I'm not peeking).

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