December 17, 2001

PM Update (early - back

PM Update (early - back to the Noon/Midnight EST schedule tomorrow)

Okay, just did the tweaking to the Spoiler Slayer page. Just so you know, I'm not happy with the current method of marking the newer spoilers either. It's more of an interim thing, until I work around to the next bit. The main additions are the rumors that Tara will die, and the bit about Drusilla returning.

The other major bit of spoilage, I have no idea how to fit it into the page, especially since it could be read many ways. But as usual, I'll bring it up here just so everyone can assimilate it into their own speculative thoughts. Sweetie at FanForum posted the following, then pulled them (hence the no linkage on this page, and you won't find them by following the link on the Spoiler Slayer page). Luckily, thanks to Zola, I have a copy sitting in my mailbox.

- The first shot was Buffy laying on the ground in an alley around the side of the police station all hunched over as if she had fallen or been thrown. Spike was standing over her and glaring. Buffy got up and they had a brief conversation. Not happy looks on the faces.

- Another scene had them standing in the alley in the same positions as above. More conversation with "glarey" faces. Spike hit Buffy, Buffy hit Spike. Typical B/S interaction these days, complete with a look of evil on Spike's face.

- The next scene I saw had Spike and Buffy facing away from the camera. Buffy was moving away and Spike grabbed her and dragged her backwards, farther back into the alley. He turned and flung her down onto the ground. I'm sure this is where the shot of Buffy already on the ground comes in.

- The last scene I saw them do was from the front of the police station and had Buffy walking around the corner. From her manner, expression, etc, I think she was oblivious to the fact that Spike was behind her. He came up to her and grabbed her from behind in a kinda bear hug move and dragged her backwards, kicking and screaming. She didn't look happy.

- James had (another!) new shirt! He had the black pants and boots like we are used to seeing, but under the duster was a black button-up shirt with some kind of pattern-ey design on it. There was also shirt drama with James going on when I got there. At first the shirt was tucked in and the top button or buttons were undone. Not super low, but showing the neck kinda thing. Then 4 or 5 crew surrounded James and talked for a minute. He un-tucked the shirt and buttoned the top button and they seemed happy and left him alone. They did a rehearsal for one of the scenes and before it was actually filmed 2 or 3 crew surrounded James again and had him un-do the button again. It was all very strange, and even though I couldn't see his expression very well it looked like he was thinking "C'mon guys, make up your minds already!"

Which was being interpreted in many different ways by the time I reached the board. While on the surface it doesn't look good, I personally feel that this is a bit of 'Tough Love' for Buffy. Obviously she is ticked off about something, my guess that it's Dawn. Which would completely explain why Spike might take such measures, especially if he's worried about Dawn's safety. I agree with most of the arguments against Spike actually attacking or forcing himself on her, she'd just stake him. I know that I'm sounding like a broken record, but it's just really hard to judge without seeing anything from Episode's 11 or 12. But from the scene itself, if Spike wanted to attack or fight her, why give her a chance to get up (and then have a discussion)?

I just can't say for sure, too many pieces of the puzzle are still missing.

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