December 17, 2001

Almost Back On Schedule Update

Almost Back On Schedule Update

Nothing in the way of spoilers, but I do want to address numerous comments that I've received about the redesign. Here's my problem...

90% of you love the redesign
8% of you have problems seeing the dark links against the dark background
2% of you are getting colors like red and brown (which I have no idea why this is happening).

In both this design and the old design, I used the 216 web-safe color palette, in order to avoid any cross-browser compatibility problems. I've just made some minor tweaks to the code, which I am hoping will resolve some of your problems. I also was aware of the problem of reading bold white text on the Spoiler page, so I'm now going to bullet recent spoilage to make it easer to see. In addition, I went with a slightly brighter link color (which should hopefully resolve the problem of the links being hard to read).

Now while I don't have access to a Macintosh, I have checked the page in all the major browsers. I'm not running into any problems with viewing the page, in fact I improved the issues that a lot of Netscape 4 users were having (though I still recommend upgrading). Let me know if the changes are worse or better (I'll be e-mailing most of you who wrote as well).

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