December 11, 2001

PM Update I know this

PM Update

I know this is a bit early, but since I don't exactly know when the new DNS information will propagate, I'm going to update now. If you try to access and get an error or no page, it's because the address has been updated. Because each domain name will have their own spot on the server, you'll know when it happens if you're getting errors trying to get to There will likely be an outage for anywhere up to a day if you are using the link. However, should get you to the right spot, albeit with a few bugs. I've been told that since I did not change the information for, it should still bring you to the old site. I'm also not entirely positive that the mail system is working correctly, so you may want to hold off on e-mails. I will also be unable to update the Spoiler Slayer database until everything gets moved properly, so this info will not show up for a day or so.

Wendy updated her spoiler page at BAPS. Most of which was already reported here, although there is some new information mixed in. It's more than I want to post here, however she did report some spoilage that had been anonymously posted at the site. It does tie in with some things that Herc had said earlier...

The major stuff my source told me is that Xander fails to show up at his wedding due to cold feet and then shows up later claiming that he was kidnapped. Anya turns into a vengeance demon again because of this and plans to lay the vengeance all over him, but at the last minute she realizes she still loves him and can't do it. They stay together but don't actually get married (it's open for them to marry later). No word on whether Anya retains her demony powers.

My source didn't have definite info, but he was under the impression that Buffy and Spike would at least remain demon-fighting partners, so it didn't seem that Spike was going to go evil. He hadn't been told much about the 'ship, though he wasn't under the impression that they were going to definitely say Spike was the long haul guy or anything (at least not yet). Also, Spike is not scheduled to die.

I asked about the "Asylum" rumors and the source said yes, they changed their minds after making up the original plan for the season. The planned character death is still presumably on though.

As Wendy points out, this does echo spoilage that Herc posted back in July. She also posts her opinion of who will die, but more on that in a second.

A new site to the Spoiler Slayer page, Juliet Landau Next Generation, posted this information about a possible return.

More Drusilla - yay! Exclusive to JLNG, Juliet revealed she has been in discussions with Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon to return to the Buffy/Angel world! After some fan complaints that Drusilla was under-used on last season's Angel, considering the character's blood-soaked and immensely tragic history, hopes are high that future storylines will let Dru's true characteristic potential shine this time around.
Which I mentioned before wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Also, I know that some people are expressing concern about the CBS/UPN merger. There's nothing to worry about, this can only be a good thing in terms of marketing and money. It's not going to affect Buffy.

Finally, getting back to 'who dies'. Wendy is coming out and saying that it will be Tara. From my point of view, this could happen, it could not happen. As I stated earlier today, I have nothing that either prove or disprove that spoiler. However, I have gotten a number of e-mails from people who feel that Xander is much more likely, especially considering the events in 'Restless'. While it would seem that way, there is also an equally strong vibe about sacrifice and tragedy in the Willow segment. I would not want to lay odds on any character at this point, but the lack of a Tara storyline is bothering me. I've also had a several people bring up the fact that Joss loves Amber Benson as an actress. Personally, I think Joss loves everyone who works on his show, but he isn't about to let that get in the way of the story.

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