December 11, 2001

Important Update I'm in the

Important Update

I'm in the process of changing servers at my hosting company. This will probably be a week-long process, as site design is going to be required in order to get everything working correctly. One of the first changes will be the changing of the DNS information, so it is possible that you may get strange errors until all the bugs are worked out. I can't make any guarantees, but I'm going to attempt to keep the link pointing to the old site, until the new server is up and running without any bugs. If you find problems with the page, try using the url to get to the site. If it doesn't work, know that I'm doing my best to get everything up and running and by Thursday it should be back to normal.

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Ten's Domain

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Angel", and "Wonderfalls" are TM and © (or copyright) to Fox and its related entities. "Dead Like Me" is TM and © (or copyright) to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operator and any content on this site relating these shows is not authorized by the studios or their representatives. Product and other images on this site are provided by, through their affiliate program. They are not intended to, nor represent a "Passing Off" of said copyrights. Any other shows or sites mentioned are TM and © (or copyright) of their respective owners.