December 11, 2001

PM Update More posting on

PM Update

More posting on the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board from Angel X.

Would you mind clarifying some of the Spike stuff? Thanks But I really don't know as much about this episode as I do about "Doublemeat..." He has a few scenes, but I don't have enough information about them to really say much more than I have. Sorry.

I had just heard the rumor Spike has another girlfriend this season and though I assumed "Spike might not be alone) means Buffy is there it did occur to me Xan might find him with another woman.
It's Buffy. Xander assumes Spike is alone, but since Buffy's invisible... it's easy to come to that conclusion. -- I didn't have complete confirmation that Buffy is actually there (although all signs point to yes) so that's why I said it both ways just in case.

About the B/S relationship. Will it still be Buffy taking the initiative or is Spike a bit more demanding this time?
Buffy initiates it, obviously, because of the whole "Buffy being invisible" thing, but I don't know what the interplay is like between them. I'm assuming whatever it is ends on semi-okay terms because of the context of "Doublemeat..." but again, I don't know for sure.

just wondering if there was a reason for the invisibility. Not on the show, but for Sarah. eg They turned her into a rat to make her available for SNL during BBB's shoot.
So I'm just wondering, is Sarah still in this episode? For how long? Did she need time off for something?

I don't know if it was because of her or not... plot wise, it makes quite a bit of sense and progresses the story in an interesting direction.
Sarah does have a good role in the episode, despite the invisibility...and when she is visible, she goes through some "changes".

What kind of 'changes?'
I don't know the specifics yet, so I'm not gonna say until later, but the change is somewhat physical.

AngelX, can you tell me if Spike's "invisible Buffy events" are just a bit of teasing and tormenting or if we get Spike/Invisible-Buffy sex?
I honestly don't know. Based on comments from David Fury (the writer) and the condition of the crypt when Xander finds it, I would assume there was sex involved, but I can't say for sure. I don't have info that says one way or another.

Can you tell us which "circle" Fury was referring to when he said this ep wouldn't be liked in some circles? Or was he just trying to stir the pot?
I can't speak for him. He may be referring to B/S fans because of the whole potential for sex without actual visible sex, or sex for those who don't want *any* sex, or there may be something else he was talking about. I don't know all the ep's details and it takes a whole lot for an ep to offend or dissapoint me, so I personally wouldn't be a good judge of what will and won't upset people.

AnGelX is the epi pretty lighthearted over all?
Everything I have indicates a very lighthearted ep. Lots of comedy and stress release for Buffy (granted, there's stressful reasons for her to need it) but it should be lots of funny.

Also, Wendy posted info on the Joel Grey interview there. Not as hopeful as it sounded at first, there was no real direct answer.

O'BRIEN: Good seeing you. I'm so happy for you. Mr. GREY: Anybody give you my trading card? O'BRIEN: I--yeah, you have a recurring role on "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer." Mr. GREY: So I'm now a trading card. O'BRIEN: Which means you're now a trading card. A career highlight just for you. Mr. GREY: Disturbing, isn't it? O'BRIEN: It's--it's a little strange, but it's fabulous at the same time. Mr. GREY: Happy holidays.
Time for Angel, gotta run.

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