December 09, 2001

AM Update A couple of

AM Update

A couple of tidbits and some major spoilage...

First, I've been running across rumors that Juliet Landau has supposedly said that they will be trying to have her on the show later in the year. Once I track down the source, I'll provide more information. I wouldn't be surprised if they worked her in somehow (and you know how much they like doing those flashback shows, still haven't had a major Spike-centric episode this season).

Next, ran across this on the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board

- Joel Grey (Doc) was just on the Today Show. Soledad O'Brien commented that he has a recurring role on BTVS. He said "yes he does". More Doc in our future?

I'm trying to get some confirmation of this, and make sure that it wasn't an older interview. But then again, just like Dru or Ethan, the character is almost too good not to use again.

Finally, the Slayers Sixth Sense has resurfaced, with the site now being called "Through The Looking Glass". It's going to take me a while to go through the spoilage, most of it seems to echo other spoilers that have been out there already, though there are bits and pieces that are new or worded differently. I'll be working on it later this afternoon to get it integrated into the Spoiler Slayer page. Here's a link directly to the Spoiler Page, and I'll be working on getting a link on the Daily Rounds as well.

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