December 09, 2001

PM Update No new spoilage,

PM Update

No new spoilage, but I thought I would touch base on some topics floating around the net.

First, there has been a flurry of speculation that Tara might not be long for the show (or the Buffyverse) on some boards. While I still believe that there will be a death this season that will have repercussions, Tara is not my ideal candidate at the moment. With things the way they are, the writers would be much better off writing her out of the show in a way that keeps her around (or as I've speculated, moving her over to 'Ripper'). Actually, I can't really see any Scooby being placed on the chopping block at the moment. But I'm becoming more aware of something that might change that, which is...

'Restless', the episode that nobody could really pin solidly on any events in Season Five. True, there was the entire 'Be Back Before Dawn' reference, but overall it really didn't apply much to Season Five. However, Season Six is an entirely different story. Even though the bits in 'Tabula Rasa' might have been thrown in simply for fun, the underlying themes in 'Restless' are tying directly into several of the major plot developments in Season Six. Buffy with a 'dark side', Willow 'acting' like someone she isn't, Xander unwilling to 'grow up', and now Anya could be getting back into the 'vengeance business'. Could Joss have been playing with us, by making us think it was going to foreshadow Season Five, but in actuality it foreshadows Season Six?

I also did some upgrading and downgrading of spoilage on the Spoiler Slayer page. Nothing major, but with very likely spoilers coming out about Episode 12, it was obvious that some of the spoilers just didn't make as much sense. But it was a double-edged sword, as while the source is shaky, some spoilers seemed to be on the money. Like the gang finding out about Spike, or Anya being offered her powers back, or Willow going back to Rack. The spoilage for Episode 12 points towards these being possible, but at the same time the other spoilers from that source seem less likely. Like the ones about the bachelor party and wedding shower, if Xander and Anya are reevaluating their relationship, would these events still occur? Well, aside from the fact that Spike would do anything to be nice to Xander.

You might note that a couple of spoilers vanished (actually they were shifted to an already aired episode, and they weren't entirely false which is why they don't show up). The spoilers in question were the 'Buffy/Spike/Dawn alliance = Tough Love for Willow' and 'Buffy and Spike back to normal'. From what I've been able to gather, the spoilers originally came from someone who saw the shoot for the aftermath of the 'Wrecked' accident. The alliance bit came from the part where Buffy, Spike and Dawn leave Willow. The normal spoiler came from the fact that there didn't seem to be any outward signs of hostility between Buffy and Spike in that scene. The spoilers were only attributed to the 'Boards', so the ranking really doesn't come into play. Technically, the wording of them is also a bit vague. I mean, what is normal for Buffy and Spike (fighting or not fighting?) I just wanted to explain what happened to those spoilers, just so there wasn't any confusion.

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