December 08, 2001

AM Update Note: I'm shooting

AM Update
Note: I'm shooting to updating around Noon and Midnight EST, but I'm actually updating here on the West Coast so that is a rough estimate. There might be a bit of flex in the actual times, especially if on Friday night I'm out and in turn end up sleeping late on Saturday. The times below the post are the time that I'm posting PST.

Angel X posted new spoilage at the Cross and Stake

  • With the super villains mysteriously "gone", the show returns to a good monster-of-the-week episode. And the hero of the episode? Not Buffy.
  • Buffy gets a job in fast food (hence the title), and when co-workers start ending up in pieces, the mystery behind the meat comes into question.
  • Willow works on staying clear of magic, but Amy gives her an unwanted gift and Willow is forced to make a big decision.
  • Buffy tries to ignore the temptation that is Spike, but fails. A little sexual taunting and innuendo turns into much more.
  • A vengeance demon friend of Anya's visits and Anya's life as a demon and her relationship with Xander is questioned and reconsidered by the soon-to-be-wed couple.
Some of those are updated spoilers from the past, the really new bits surround Amy and Anya's friend. If the Troika does indeed vanish at the end of 'Gone', then the real 'Big Bad' would likely show their face around this time as well. Though it's still too early to make any guesses as to who or what that might be. However, the story arcs with Buffy/Spike and Willow/Amy are still ongoing, and now it looks as if there will be something going on with Anya/Xander as well. This could set up two different storylines, one which would follow what I speculated about, with Anya getting very upset over Xander's opinion of 'Good and Evil'. Although I still think that it might come about with the revelation of Buffy/Spike, this could be a very interesting twist. Second, I have to openly wonder why we heard about the casting of "Spike's Girlfriend", but nothing about a Vengeance Demon friend for Anya. Unless, through a bit of subterfuge, Mutant Enemy was killing two birds with one stone.

Although the friend might just be a one-episode visit, it could very well turn into much more. If she sticks around, not only do you have the possibility of her becoming interested in Spike, but you also have a way that Xander could get a taste of the Vengeance Demon treatment without Anya being responsible. We could look at a scenario where Buffy becomes jealous of the attention that Anya's friend is giving Spike, which causes the entire Buffy/Spike relationship to be revealed, which then launches Xander and Anya into that 'Evil' argument. Anya stomps off, and later while venting about Xander to her friend, accidentally starts a sentence with "I Wish..."

However, these spoilers could be bad news for Willow/Tara fans. The writers have never had more than two couples in flux at a time, which means that if Buffy/Spike will continue and Xander/Anya will start, that doesn't leave any room for Willow/Tara. I'm not saying that progress won't be made between those two, but until one of the relationships in the show settle down (which I would think would be Buffy/Spike, but not until we near the end of the season), I don't see them getting back together anytime soon. Unless that is the Big Decision that Willow makes in this episode. But I'm working with scraps right now, so it's kind of hard to assemble a full picture of the back-half of Season Six.

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