December 04, 2001

Things must be slow if

Things must be slow if all I have to bring up is Wanda's chat. The only reason I even mention it, is that she's still stating that the writers intended to have Oz in the Halloween episode.

Now as far as I can tell, that entire thread was started by Herc's speculation based on some E! TV footage (from a previous season). I really don't think there was a serious push to have Oz in the Halloween episode, if only for the fact that he wouldn't just be window dressing. If he comes back the episode will revolve around him. For the life of me, I can't figure out what storyline you would have pulled from the Halloween episode to fit the return of Oz into the picture.

She still feels that they'll try to have him back in time for the Season-finale, which is always a possibility. Though I think it more likely that he'll appear in for one or two episodes during sweeps, rather than actually figure into the finale. Again, it's a matter of what storyline is going to be the focus of the episodes. Because Oz is a fan-favorite, his storyline will overshadow everything else in the episode. So why push it into an already chock-full-o-action finale?

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