November 26, 2001

The Wildfeed is out, but

The Wildfeed is out, but it's in scattered pieces around the net. Lots of incomplete summaries, but you can get the basic feel at these spots.

BAPS - Dori put up a quick summary.

The Kitten Board - Various Tidbits Bronze - Nosferatu has a summary as well.

Little different than what we were expecting, but it would appear from these rough summaries that Buffy/Spike might have reached an apex. The only thing that bugs me is Buffy's reaction at the end of the episode. It seems a bit strange, especially since the amount of time that she allowed Angel to have access. Also consider that she didn't actual expel Spike until 'Crush', even after 'Lovers Walk' and 'Harsh Light Of Day', she never revoked the invite. From what I'm reading, she trusted him enough to take Dawn to the hospital. Hopefully we'll get a better picture sometime tonight.

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