November 26, 2001

Still nothing on the Wildfeed

Still nothing on the Wildfeed front, but Nina dropped me this tidbit she discovered on Ebay. Supposedly someone is offering call sheets and sides for the next two Buffy episodes. The titles are reported to be 'Gone' (ep 11) and 'Doublemeat Palace' (ep 12). This is the auction.

While I think 'Gone' has a good chance of being accurate, I would think that 'Doublemeat Palace' would have to be a working title, or a code title because something in the title might give away a bit of the plot. Like if it was 'The Life of Riley' or 'Weeping Willow' (and I am just kidding, I don't think that either of those would be the actual title). If it isn't, it certainly might go down as the strangest Buffy episode title.

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