November 20, 2001

Herc has posted his review

Herc has posted his review of 'Smashed' at AICN. I'll also fill in one of the blanks, de-ratting is a clothes-free activity (Someone asked about 'Something Blue').

Wendy has a new Spoiler Update at BAPS.

Plus Wanda had her chat, though it seems that both Herc and Wanda have been dealing with a lack of advance spoilage.

On a final note, I said that I wouldn't constantly promote it, but I'm still having problems keeping the traffic to the site within my monthly limit. At the top of the page, you'll notice a Support The Spoiler Slayer link, which will take you to the Spoiler Shop. A lot of people have been shopping at Amazon, which I really appreciate. If you do have an interest in keeping the site available, try to help out if you can. From the time this site began through the month of October, the bandwidth required for the site only cost $20 per month. This month, it's already risen to $80 and could well be over $100 by the end of the month. When need arises, I'll put up the above link as a reminder. Every little bit helps, and again a big thanks to those who have already pitched in.

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Ten's Domain

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