November 19, 2001

I've decided that I'm going

I've decided that I'm going to hold off on discussion about 'Smashed' until after the episode airs. There's many things that I want to say about it, but I don't want to ruin the experience for anyone. Plus, some of it could relate to the rest of the season, so I don't want to spoil your experience with any preconceptions.

I will mention that we should be careful in the future about assuming things from TV Guide descriptions or UPN Press Releases. As shown by this episode, they can be misleading at best. With that in mind, I'm going to give the entire spoiler page a workover this afternoon. Though I think until 'Wrecked' airs, it's going to be hard to judge some of the future spoilers for the show. It could take any direction at this point, and a lot of where it's going to go will be based on exactly what is wrong with Buffy. I would think that anything past 'Wrecked' has to only be at a 'possible' or 'unlikely' now (except for things like writers and shooting location reports). If anyone has any doubts that the writers can keep things under their hats, watch tonight's Angel.

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