November 16, 2001

Mr. Video posted the next

Mr. Video posted the next succession of episodes, which would make sense, but we can't be 100% positive. It does look like no new episodes for December.

  • December 4th - After Life

  • December 11th - Hush

  • December 18th - The Body

  • December 25th - Wanna bet we see the Musical again
I had speculated elsewhere a few weeks back that there was a reason that a few episodes were not available for the FX Marathon. Now that two of those have appeared, it would make sense. It also makes me wonder if UPN is going to not rerun Bargaining 1/2 until either late in the Spring or wait until Summer. I'm not sure how syndication works, but I think once a show airs two or three times, it can go into the syndication mix. Which could be why UPN is running some older episodes, just so they'll have some stuff in reserve. I'm not a TV expert, but that is kind of what I've heard about other shows in the past.

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