November 16, 2001

This popped up at the

This popped up at the Kitten Board. Looks like someone is trying to put pieces together to generate an episode summary. I'm standing by the previous rankings, though I'll probably move Mr. Fury up tomorrow.

The Future Is Now
Written By: David Fury
Buffy and Spike try to get back to mormal and avoid accuard "moments". Willow faces her "intervention". Xander has some harsh words. Amy has a cure for her sadness a very magical one.

Also, should clarify what I said in the previous entry. Two episodes will air, then one in December, then not until January. I keep getting ahead of myself and forgetting exactly where in the schedule we are. I keep thinking next week will be Episode Ten and not Nine. That's what you get for living in the Spoiler World.

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