November 11, 2001

Herc (Aint It Cool News)

Herc (Aint It Cool News) posted his spoilage for 'Tabula Rasa', which pretty much follows what we've heard already. He also drops a little about 'Smashed' and a bit about 'Wrecked'. I also have to say that he's being a bit cagey, by not revealing the big ending to the episode. He does confirm that Amy will not leave the habitrail until the following episode. He also disputes the Xander/Willow kiss, but the source that it came from doesn't have the best track record. Once again, Herc looks to be right on the money (though even I'm beginning to wonder about the entire 'Demon invades Buffy' spoiler for Episode Nine).

Note: Herc is joking about a new slayer, rogue watchers, and Buffy getting kidnapped during Feb. Sweeps. I've seen a couple posts from people who didn't realize he was kidding

Crawford Street Mansion also posted Spoilers for 'Tabula Rasa' through Episode 11. The new information indicates that Buffy will be distracted by her feelings for Spike, and this in turn is going to put the Scoobies into danger. I'm ranking it currently at a 'possible', but it's right on the edge of 'unlikely'. It all ties in with Willow's storyline. If she is going to put Dawn in harms way through her magic, I think it needs to be clear-cut that Willow was at fault. Plus, it goes against Jen's comments that Buffy and Spike seem to be back to normal by around this time. As for the spoilers for Episode 11, they seem to reference the return of Riley and the spoilage going around about Willow casting a spell to make the Scoob's forget that Spike attacked Anya. Since they are a bit vague, I'm going to rank them as 'Unlikely' rather than 'Highly Unlikely'. The thing to remember is that there are accurate sources that point to Riley not returning this season, and the fact that Spike will ally with Buffy against Willow. When I find myself presented with opposing spoilers, the more accurate source will win out.

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