November 10, 2001

I've updated the Spoiler Slayer

I've updated the Spoiler Slayer with the latest info. I changed my mind overnight about the 'Wrecked' spoilage. Based on past accuracy, and that it fits with other spoilers that have been out there, I'm moving them from 'Likely' to 'Nearly Confirmed'.

I've also been thinking about the Wicca that come to visit Willow. I'm more of the thought now that they aren't trying to corrupt her or harness her powers for evil. If you recall, I had serious concerns over Giles departure. On one hand, his Slayer can obviously stand on her own. On the other, there is a very powerful but immature witch that could cause way more damage. Since we've had hints that there is a Council of Wicca, I almost wonder if the Wicca that visit were sent by a request of Giles. I would expect the show to exhibit some kind of balance between good and evil. With Willow, Amy, and the Troika currently in Sunnydale, you almost wonder where the good Wicca are? It could also explain why Dawn is put into danger, perhaps Willow gets in an argument and that bad side comes out, causing all sorts of havoc in the Summers house.

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