November 08, 2001

Some more really bad spoilage,

Some more really bad spoilage, I can't believe anyone would buy these for a second...

Ok many of you will be in your unison to quash these rumours however i can guarentee that these are genuine storylines from Episode Once More, with feeling up too episode 22 'What are friends for?'. I will outline the basic season points and go into detail for the finale.

Anya and Giles kiss, this is a bi-product from a spell willow casts. They instantly regret it and for the rest of the season are racked with guilt.

Spike and Buffy DO have sex. This will be around episode 14 and will be witnessed by Xander much like he witnessed Buffy-Bot and spike. They will not remain together but it will be quite a long relationship.

Now time for the obits. Tara will die as a result of the big bad and in the season finale so will spike :( And the Legion Of Dorks.

Ok big bad. You all were right, it is indeed willow. Her transition will be prompted by Eyion, a powerful witch that visits sunnydale, she will join the LoD but will eventually kill them all after they try to stop her reckless power usage. Tara will also try to comfront her and will again meet her untimely death.

Ok here is the episode summary for 'what are friends for?'

previously: xander and anyas wedding is ruined after the shock that anya and giles kissed. Tara is killed by willow. Giles comes back from england to face his old friend willow. Buffy is torn between spike and solitude.

The episode opens at the sunnydale west church where xander and anyas wedding was stalled. Anya convinces Xander that the kiss meant nothing and the go on with the proceedings. FInally they can claim to be married and the gang leave with happiness but with fear on the impending circumstances.

Willow paces in her own dimension awaiting the alignment of the planets so she can begin her plan. She aims to use the power of such a rare alignment to give her unlimited strength and this will enable her to rule the mortal world and every other dimension, the catch? in order to perform this ceremony she must decimate the population of sunnydale and use their souls as a tool for inciting the ceremony.

As the gang return to buffys home they find one of willows minions awaiting him, he promises them the key to stopping to stopping willow as long as they give him money to flee the country. Unwillingly the scoobies accept and the minion claims that the only way to kill willow is to stop the planets aligning using magic. With giles' magical knowledge at an all time low and tara dead the gang are left at a disadvantage and the atmosphere becomes gloom as the sky gets darker because of the planet alignment.

Cut too research, dawn uses her much improved research powers to pinpoint a spell that can change the powers of individuals, they agree that they should try to switch willow with somone, After much deliberation spike volunteers himself to be the guinea pig. Buffy is crushed by this but Spike remains adament. A plan is devised and giles rehearses the incantation at great length while the others locate the point they will find willow..... the hellmouth.

They trek to the school and prepare all the necassary measures. Willow enters the old library with an impressive fireshow and earthquake, the duelling begins but willows powers are much greater then buffys and the battle seems lost until giles manages to get in close enough proximity to perform the switch, as giles incants willow starts to chant her own spell and as she does the roof from the library flies off and the planets are in perfect alignment. Willow starts her ritual and half way through giles spell works, spike and willow r switched.

Spike, under no will of his own, finishes the incantation and the transaction is complete, spike is surrounded by light as he starts to accumlate in power. Realising whats going on spike lets out a yell and screams let the spell endeth, with that he loses his power and the sheer magnitude of the other power incinerates spike on the spot.

Buffy lets out a cry as in that moment she realises her love for spike. Willow lies on the floor glaring in fear, her friends know she is evil but dont want to hurt her. Willow, thinking that they will kill her, chants and her body explodes into flames leaving the scobbies with their thoughts and losses. They try to lighten the mood with a joke but to no avail, buffy then asks' wheres dawn?' they look around and they see her lieing in the corner....dead.

Cue credits.

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