November 08, 2001

Couple of things. Even though

Couple of things. Even though I talked about it below, there seems to be a bit of confusion in the comments (and I'm getting email as well), about what is going on with Giles and Anya. My take is that we should not read anything into this at all, it's likely a shot from when they are under the effects of the spell, and there will be all kinds of strange pairings off. If they don't remember anything, then any attraction there might be would likely be only physical or at best, based on incorrect theories on who the other person really is. I guess the point is that it really doesn't need to be added to the Spoiler Slayer (and it came from a confirmed source, right off the bat).

Jen at FanForum (Sweetie0191) also posted a bit more about the Buffy/Spike events at the end of 'Tabula Rasa' or the beginning of 'Smashed'.

I can confirm that Buffy and Spike DO sleep together either at the end of 8 or the very very beginning of 9. But don't get all excited. I have the "morning after" scene and it's not pretty. That's all I'm saying.

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