November 07, 2001

Oh, before I forget. I

Oh, before I forget. I did the update to the Spoiler Slayer, rankings and such. I also updated the Buffy Formula with just the revelation for Episode Seven. The Formula is something that really doesn't kick into gear until around episode 11 or so, but it looks like things might get rocking with 9 or 10. The important thing to remember about the Formula, is that it isn't updated until after the episode airs in the US (which is why the rankings for Amy haven't changed).

I'm also not really going to move any of the Spike/Buffy spoilers, until I get a further idea of what exactly is going on. I did go ahead and award AICN with the confirmed on 'Buffy/Spike become more than just friends', because I don't go around locking lips with my friends (even in times of crisis). But in terms of whether or not a relationship or a couple is actually forming, I'm still of the wait and see attitude. But I should point out that even a dysfunctional relationship, is still a relationship. Ha! I just had an image of Buffy and Spike in couple's counseling.

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