November 05, 2001

I've gotten several emails confirming

I've gotten several emails confirming the title for Episode Nine as 'Smashed'. It's been reported at Cinescape and supposedly TV-Guide (but they don't confirm it yet in my area). I'm going to hold off confirming it for sure, until I get the TV Guide listing sometime early tomorrow. But I think it's pretty much a safe bet that the MBTV description from this weekend is on the money.

Which then asks the question, is UPN just being sneaky and referring to the delayed chip reaction as the malfunction, or is there something more to it. Remember, we do have the scene where Spike seems to be testing the chip and it's still working. Possible explanation, the Troika will likely be back in either 'Tabula Rasa' or 'Smashed'. Is it possible that they've found a way to tap into Spike's chip? Jonathan would be well aware of what the Initiative was up to, and you also have to wonder about how much Warren really knows about Spike as well. Since he is the techno-nerd, perhaps he's found a way to mess with that chip, or disable it entirely.

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