November 05, 2001

Something interesting came to mind

Something interesting came to mind as I was reading the Wildfeed. Why didn't Willow sing? She sings, but there is no secret revealed, not even the fact that she cast the spell on Tara (as far as I can tell). Why not have Willow sing it to Tara? Why have the entire investigation thing happening at all. All the characters are running around baring their souls, yet Willow seems oddly quiet.

This could lend a bit to the theory that Willow isn't exactly herself right now, or that the magic is taking it's toll in some manner. She pulled another brief 'Don't mess with the witch' bit in 'All The Way' and Dawn (corrected) also made allusions to the fact that she might have seen something similar. Could be some CYA for the writers, who know that if something is up with Willow, once it is revealed we'll call them on the fact that it didn't come up in the Musical. I could be wrong, since I haven't seen the episode. But two wildfeeds and a bunch of script segments provide no mention of an actual Willow confession.

Reddygirl passed along this tip, Janna (who often posts shooting location reports) went to a James Marsters signing. A couple of interesting points came up, you can read the entire report at the SimplySMG boards. The main quotes are...

I told him about Allie and how much she loves him, with Buffy and relationship with Dawn and he says he’s worried about having all of these younger fans now because he’s worried Joss will make him all bad again and he won’t be a good role model or he’ll scare them.


Then I had him sign the pic from Crush and he said, “This is where Buffy is saying get away from me or I’m gonna kick your ass….” I asked him if it was going to be like that with Spike and Buffy for much longer and he said, “well, it is and it isn’t…”

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