November 04, 2001

Hmm, someone has unleashed the

Hmm, someone has unleashed the Spoiler Fairy. The fact is that the writers would be nowhere close to breaking these episodes. If the past holds true, they probably won't even start on these episode storylines until next year (and likely haven't even assigned writers yet).

BTW, These showed up at the Cross and Stake boards (and another sure way to lose status in the rankings, is having the spoilers come from a source who's accuracy hasn't panned out). I trust Jen at FanForum, because she's a major player over there and has yet to steer us wrong. If it's not linked to an article or known source, almost anything posted on boards is going to get a ranking of 'possible' at best.

"Episode 15: "Lover" After the events of episode 13 & 14, Willow decides Dawn is becoming an obstacle to her. She and Amy perform an incantation to remove the spell originally placing Dawn in this universe. The spell goes wrong, and the memories of Dawn and merely removed from the scoobie's memories. Buffy attacks Dawn in a fit of confusion, and Willow forces Spike to dispose of her."

"Episode 15: "Dawny"
Willow begins having severe nightmares after the events of 6.15. She decides to test her limits, and tries to turn back time and reverse her prior actions, thus bringing Dawn back into the world, and into the memories of the scoobies. She discovers her powers aren't sufficient for this spell, and in fact, to perform the simpliest spells. Worried, Willow does some research and discovers a terrible fault in her plans; stray power from the spell performed on Dawn has been the reason behind her seemingly immense magikal capabilites. After reversing this Spell, Willow destroyed her own power. Finally, her descent into darkness has caught up with her."

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