October 29, 2001

Just when I thought I

Just when I thought I was done for the night, my computer started emitting this horrible smell. It could only be...


Which I'm going to post, even though I know it drives people like Wendy over at BAPS insane when they get spread around. My motto, Nip It In The Bud. Besides, there's been such a lack of bad spoilage, that there hasn't been much slaying for the Spoiler Slayer to do this season.

"Hey guys!!!! I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF! you gotta listen to these, its amazing: remmeber how I was rambling on about a episode where Jonathan does a spell to make everyone into thier "real form", but the spell goes wacko and everyone is transformed into a form of themselves that others think about them, or something like that... Well this episode WILL BE AIRED! It will be in the end of the season, and will be a "wish" type episode! ITS GOING TO BE AMAZING! A BUFFY CLASSIC! I have heard rumors about the forms everyone is going to turn into:

~Dawn - She will dissapear, into a ball of energy (we will see "the key"!!!)

~Anya - Obvious... Anyaka...

~Willow & Xander ~ The Will and Xand vamps from "the wish" and "dopplegandland"

~Giles ~ that demon he turned into in 4th season... (forgot the eppy)

~AMY!!!! ~ will be deratted for one episode, and will be oh so very nice, but by the end of the episode shes a rat again when the spell fades the gang decides they need to turn her back into a human for good, but there may be some side effects to this too...

~Buffy - Buffy will be the only regular person, but at the end of the episode she realises that the reason she was the ONLY normal one was because her real form is being alone...

~ Tara - She will be a cat... (I am not sure what this is about, but I think in an episode before this one Tara is stuck in the form of a cat or something...)

~Spike - Ovbeously he cant control his blood urge and he goes after some very unlikely people...

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