October 27, 2001

Very interesting news today. Supposedly

Very interesting news today. Supposedly the description for 'Tabula Rasa' has come out (source: MightyBigTV.com). I buy the 'Tabula Rasa' description, I do not buy the secondary spoiler.


"Tabula Rasa" - A spell Willow casts to make Buffy forget she was in heaven has unintended consequences. Meanwhile, Spike tries to avoid the clutches of a demon loan shark, on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airing TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on UPN.

(different poster)
'Doc is set to return, and be part of the season long big bad, along with . . . Willow. She will be possessed by 'First Evil' and I have heard that this could result in a first for BtVS in a Season end cliffhanger! What I heard was that Buffy will most likely have to seek out the evil and destroy it, or to kill Willow, and as the season ends we won't be knowing which path she has chosen.'

Then Jen over at Fanforum posted this bit of script from 'Tabula Rasa', which certainly isn't welcome news for Buffy/Spike fans.

I hope you are all prepared for this, because I sure as hell wasn't. Here's a bit of dialogue from Scene 8 of, again, what I'm *presuming* to be Tabula Rasa... but, unfortunately, this takes place before the amnesia. Hope you all are sitting down...

BUFFY: You're not a man, you're a thing.

SPIKE: I've changed.

Later in the scene.

BUFFY: You're nothing... you're a disgusting thing.

Scene 23 also consists of Spike with his black shirt, duster and a purple shirt. Not red, purple. He's also wearing a chain around his neck and some really ugly rings. Punk Spike?

Quite a bit to cover, so lets get down to it.

The episode description would seem to fit what we know. I was speculating earlier that Willow could be the caster of this amnesia spell, although I still think it's a way to cover her tracks further. Also, the demon loan shark would fit in with what Herc has been saying. The curious thing is that I'm beginning to wonder if Willow will cast a similar spell on Tara at the end of 'All The Way'. From the music promo, it would appear that everyone finds out that Buffy was in heaven (Willow's look says it all). But at the same time, I'm not seeing Tara mad at Willow. We'll know once the Wildfeed comes out, but maybe the writers have shuffled some things around. It just doesn't feel right that the Willow/Tara relationship is going to take three huge hits in a row (The argument in 'All The Way', the fact that Buffy was torn from Heaven in the Musical, and then the amnesia spell). I could be wrong, but one of the reasons that I wasn't originally convinced about the Willow/Tara argument, was because it means we enter the musical with both couples using magic to either hide the truth or discover the truth about their partners. Too redundant for my taste.

The next bit of spoilage is more than likely false. One, I don't think that Doc is going to be returning. For one, if he was going to be a part of the season, wouldn't you want Joel in the musical? Second, the 'First Evil' really has nothing to do with the Buffy-verse, it's more a part of the Angel-verse (like The Powers That Be). Finally, I think that if there is a cliffhanger at the end of this season, it's going to be more along the lines of discovering that Willow is evil (or someone else is). Kind of like the Next Generation episodes where Denise Crosby came back or Picard was Borged. I don't feel it's going to be a long-drawn out run if there is a cliffhanger.

Last, but not least, the Jen spoilage about Spike. She's still keeping some info in reserve, but without context it could be really hard to tell exactly what is going on with Buffy/Spike. There's dialogue missing, so who knows what is being said. It could be Buffy arguing with Spike about why they shouldn't be together, but rationally. I mean, if you think about it, lots of great relationships get started with insults. For instance, Xander and Cordelia, Xander and Anya, hmmm. Until I see more, I think we'll stick with it being 'possible'.

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