October 24, 2001

Lots to cover, so let's

Lots to cover, so let's get to it...

Joss (supposedly) posted the following at the Bronze

I'm basically resigned to the fact that you'll all debate for hours whether I'm really joss says: (Tue Oct 23 05:05:08 2001

Hey peeps. Just finished cutting the musical and it's... well, it's a musical. Straight up, old school. So yet another childhood dream realized, never thought it would happen. I think you're gonna be psyched and I may be desperately wrong but the brass at UPN (ALL HAIL UPN!) have given me extra time to run the show! This means: A) I failed to bring it in on time, operative word FAILED, but B) Dean Valentine and his crew are letting the show run long ( by about eight minutes!) because they are cool! (see above re: all hail them). So the musical extravaganza will run slightly longer than a normal ep, which means more for you, the viewer! Of course, if you hate it, it just means your torment will be prolonged, but I'm banking on the other reaction. (me hopes)

In the meanwhile, how cute is Amy Acker? Angel swinging with five count 'em five luminous stars, life don't suck.

I'm me. really.


It's him, or else someone has stolen one of the computers he uses. I don't know if the extra time means less commercials, or that the show is going to run over. Which is usually the case these days, as both 'Alias' (which ran commercial-free) and 'Smallsville' (which just ran over) did this. I would set your VCR's and Tivo's for an extra 15 minutes at least. Though I'm finding that I'm running into the same problem I had in Chicago a few years back (when they used to actually win). Since the Sacramento Kings made it to the playoffs last year, they're going to show the game instead of Buffy. I have to wait until November 2nd to catch the Halloween episode (which really sucks). As much as I love the Wildfeeds, they often miss little subtle details that are really important to both the Spoiler Slayer and the Buffy Formula. I guess I'll just have to do what I can with the Feed.

Wendy over at BAPS disagrees with my opinion that Spike scene will be from 'Killing Chronos'. I never actually said that I was positive the Spike scene was from that episode, however I do believe that the Amy scene is not out of 'Tabula Rasa'. Wendy feels that there will be plenty of time at the end of the episode to de-rat Amy. My thought is that there is too much going on at the end of 'Tabula Rasa' to fit in Amy (and Herc supposedly wrote to her saying that the shock ending isn't the de-ratting). Everything that I've heard leads me to believe that Giles will leave at the end of 'Tabula Rasa' and the big shocker is that Tara is going to go with him (or at least break up with Willow). It doesn't make sense to stuff the Amy scene in there as well. In fact, the entire Amy spoilage smells like a teaser sequence to me. But that's based on my speculation, don't have anything solid either way.

Just a couple of other notes on older spoilers. From the promo for next week, I can confirm the spoiler about Dawn's first kiss. Also, based on the above speculation (and the spoilers that I have), I'm upgrading a couple other minor spoilers that were listed as 'possible' to 'likely', and knocking down a couple other 'unlikely' spoilers to 'highly unlikely'. I've decided I'm not going to move the Amy spoilers until I have more info, so they'll stay in the Sweeps section.

I'm going to update the Spoiler Slayer, and be back later today with my thoughts on 'Life Serial' and an update to the Buffy Formula.

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